
Kenyan men come a dime a dozen, from the modern metro sexual down to the cave man types. With so many of them to choose from, ladies still find a deficit in the male gene pool. It may be difficult to read a woman’s mind, in the case of what she finds attractive in a man, but it comes down to two basic laws of attraction. Namely appearance and personality, so let’s dive right into it.


There many who may think women are mostly interested in how much you make, for them to even take a look in your direction. Granted, this could be the case for some, others don’t really care for how many drinks you can buy them at the bar.

First impressions are of importance, a vital component for a woman, when making the choice on a suitor. You don’t have to look like a GQ model to get their attention (though some good eye candy never hurt). One just has to look presentable.

There’s the bad boy look that works for some, but note that such guys are short term play mates. Such relationships don’t work. What women want, is a man who can take care of himself because that means he can take care of her. All you’d have to do is iron your clothes, lose the ashy skin look, shower and smell good. Don’t get me wrong, and go bathe in cologne, no one is asking to have their senses attacked. As they say, a little goes a long way.

You also don’t have to go buy the most expensive clothes out there, go to vintage stores or look out for sales you’d be shocked what you can get for a throw away price.


Now once you get your look together, let’s see how well you fair with how you approach a woman.
Confidence. A man who is comfortable in his own skin and exudes it for the world, is one that ladies watch. But do understand there is a difference between being confident and cocky. No one wants a cocky guy because they’re full of themselves and that’s not attractive.

Another thing, is being a tease. How you may ask? Simple, touch her when she least expects it, subtly. Say something blunt but in a playful way that would shock her but grab her attention.
Be honest and authentic. Do not try to be like someone else because a lady can tell when you’re faking or trying too hard. This falls under being comfortable in your own skin.

Carry a conversation with ease and pay attention to what she says. This let’s her know that you care about what’s going on with her, and do show her respect while you’re at it.

Also a little trick that works sometimes, have lady friends that are of the same character as the lady you wish to attract. Now there’s a difference here. These are women you have never slept with. They are just good friends that would not be a threat because you wouldn’t want to scare her off. Also, when a woman see’s the company you keep is up to her standards then she will feel that you are what she’s looking for.
And finally, be driven to work at something till you succeed. You may not be the CEO of your own company but having the drive to go for it, is attractive for a lady. You will find that the lady, will even stand by you and help you achieve your dreams.

In the game of dating, it all falls down to the first few minutes you meet. Those minutes are enough to let a woman know whether you are someone they would like to get to know better or not. Note, that ladies who look at earthly possessions are the ones that won’t come your way but one who looks for character, one whose interested in you and what you have to offer is the one who is worth waiting for.

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