
People have been shooting their shot after the curfew hours were relaxed. However, we’re all a little rusty when it comes to dating since many of us haven’t done it since early this year. Getting back on the dating scene can be nerve-racking especially when you’re not sure what to do to impress your date. There’s also the chance that you’ll do something embarrassing and ruin your date.

If you’re wondering how to make a good impression on your first date, avoid doing these things.

1. Bring Up Past Relationships

Nobody wants to hear about your exes especially on a first date. Whether you’re talking bad or good about them, bringing up your ex can be a buzzkill. It implies that you haven’t moved on from them which make your date skeptical about having a serious relationship with you. Don’t make comparisons to your ex as well. Ensure you’re over your ex before getting back on the dating scene.

2. Have Bad Table Manners

There are many things that people can tolerate but bad table manners will put your date off very fast. Similarly, if you’re trying to make a lasting good impression, showing basic table manners will do the trick. Avoid speaking with food in your mouth as it’s unsightly and unsanitary. Additionally, learn how to use the cutlery especially if you’re going to a fancy restaurant so as not to embarrass yourself or your date. Lastly, be courteous to the staff.

3. Wear A T-Shirt

No matter where you plan on taking your date, make an effort to dress well. It wouldn’t kill you to wear a buttoned shirt. Remember that your clothes speak before you do and if you want to come off as a serious suitor, wearing a t-shirt on the first date will send the wrong message. A smart casual look is comfortable enough for those who don’t like wearing suits and will make you look presentable.

4. Worry Too Much

It’s good to care and make sure your date is comfortable. It’s also normal to want to show your date that you can be a protector. However, make sure you don’t overwhelm them with your concern. Don’t ask them if they’re okay every few minutes. It becomes annoying after a while and it could make your date feel more uncomfortable. If you notice they might not be at ease, try talking about something they’re interested in.

5. Talk Over Them

One of the most annoying things you can do on a first date is talking too much. Listening is an attractive quality that most people look for in their potential partner. Therefore, give your date a chance to express themselves and pay attention to what they’re saying. Remember that there’s a right and wrong way to take charge of the date.

6. Show Up Late

It’s understandable to show up a few minutes late given that there may be traffic or an unexpected detour. However, showing up an hour or two late for your date is simply unacceptable. This shows that you don’t value your date’s time and you’re also bad at time management. Besides, no one wants to be in a relationship with someone that comes off as unreliable.

7. Use Your Phone

Keep your phone on silent and away from the table until the date is over. Since you knew you’d be meeting someone at a specific time, try to give them your undivided attention. If you have demanding commitments, make arrangements of how they’ll be handled when you’re away to avoid getting numerous calls.

8. Wear Too Much Makeup

Some women love to play around with the makeup looks. However, It’s important to look as natural as possible on the first date. Wearing too much makeup not only put off your date but also makes them think you’re hiding something or you’re not confident in your looks. Therefore, when you’re choosing your makeup, go for subtle shades and tone down on the eyelashes.

9. Leave Them With The Bill

When going on a first date, make sure you pick a place that is within your budget and confirm that you have enough money. It can be a buzzkill when a date doesn’t even offer to cater for the expenses especially when he’s the one who asked you out in the first place.

10. Offer Unwanted Advice

Your date might confide in you about personal or professional dilemmas they may be experiencing. However, if they haven’t asked for any advice, which most people won’t on a first date, don’t give them. Most guys feel the need to give career advice or try to tell their date what they might be doing wrong. Even if you feel like you have a solution, save it for a later time.

11. Plan For The Future

Talking about marriage and children on the first date might rub your potential partner the wrong way. There’s nothing wrong with letting your dating know what you’re looking for in a relationship. However, you should keep the conversation light so as to not overwhelm your date. Avoid talking about your future life and career plans as well.

12. Be Touchy

Whether you’ve hit it off with your date instantly or not, don’t be too touchy especially in a sexually suggestive manner. It’s okay to hold someone’s hand or even put your hand around their waist if they’re comfortable with it. Grabbing their butt is another story that you should absolutely avoid.